Bump to Baby Plus
We are a local community initiative run entirely by volunteers. Our service for young families includes antenatal courses, postnatal drop-ins and a toddler group.
Antenatal Group
Course run as and when required
A four week course led by a qualified and practising midwife. As well as preparing parents for birth, it is an opportunity to develop friendships. Open to parents-to-be, 28 weeks or more into their pregnancy.
£20 donaton
Postnatal Group
Tuesdays 9.30 to 11.30am
A weekly informal group that is an opportunity for parents to chat, weigh their babies and seek support. Volunteers include those with past experience in midwifery and health visiting.
£1 per family
Messy Monkeys Toddler Group
Mondays 9.30-10.45am
A weekly baby and toddler group that combines messy and sensory play. Each week is themed with different activities which aid development. Volunteers include those with early years’ experience.
£3, £2 for further siblings
If you’re able to volunteer some time to help run these services, do contact us. We’ve all sorts of roles.